Innovation offline

Innovation is not only a matter of networks and telecommunications. Lego means engrossing products and interesting brand.

Courtesy of Monocle, its CEO discussed management issues,culture stuffs, business models actually in March 2007 : « Founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Christiansen, Lego started life in the wooden toy business. Derived from the Danish words ‘leg’ (play) and ‘godt’ (well), the company’s play-well concept has turned Lego into one of the most recognised premium toy brands in the world, and one of Denmark’s most iconic companies. An assault from the electronic gaming industry and evaporating play time in Lego’s key age groups means that both Lego and its competitors are having a tough time on shop shelves. Monocle editor-in-chief Tyler Brûlé talks to Lego CEO, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, at the company’s innovation centre in Billund, Denmark. »

& :
Jack Goody, who would have spoken about a Great Divide between what is supposed to be innovative and what is supposed to be outdated.
The Myth of Innovation, as coined by Scott Berkun.
Joseph Schumpeter, to know more than his over-quoted « creative destruction« .

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